Monthly Meetings

December 13, 2023
Jan 10, 2024
Feb 14, 2024
March 11th, 2024
April 10th, 2024


Check out the Entertainment, Meetings and Special Events planned for this season.

Social Clubs

Ladies Lunch, Mens and Ladies' Coffee hour (NEW) and Book Club.


Tuesday from 3-5 pm at Chula Vista Rec Centre:
October 10 to March 26

Photo Gallery

Here are some recent and not so recent photos from past events. Feel free to send us your own photos.


Find other members from your home town, Region, Village or with similar interests.

Contact Us

The club exists because of it's volunteers. If you can help in any way, please contact one of us here.

Canadian Humor

Some Canadian humor to share with your new Floridian friends.

Info for Canadians

Information of interest for Canadians visiting Florida. 8840 tax form, Medical Insurance and other pertinant info for Canadians.